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Overcoming Toxic People

Reiki Healing for Victims of Narcissists Psychopaths and Sociopaths

Building a Professional Reiki Practice Serving Victims of Toxic People

Energy healing for victims of narcissist, sociopath, psychopaths, and other toxic people is a market that as huge potential for Reiki practitioners. In this article I will be sharing five quick tips on how to establish a successful professional business serving victims of toxic people.

Why a Professional Reiki Business?

I want to make it clear use terms “professions” and “business” here because I want to emphasize that our practice must embody three core qualities these words represent. To reach our highest level of potential as healers we must — 1) Establish and uphold a code of ethics for our craft. 2) Refine and utilize our craft efficiently. 3) Grow our organization in an upward spiral that is energized by every client we serve.

Too often hobbyist Reiki Masters or energy healers squander their gifts by just playing around with a lack of focus. Being a professional healer means we know what is our responsibility and what isn’t. We avoid getting too entangled and influenced by our client’s lives as to be knocked off balance. Instead, we operate at the highest level of our craft.

Being business-like means we cut away inefficient activities, while prioritizing providing value to our clients. We also expect that every time we service a client we are experiencing a net energetic gain. Energy is rewarded with energy, whether monetary, service exchange, and barter. The more you work, the more power you should have to improve your craft, bring in appropriate help, improve your facilities, and otherwise grow rather than being depleted. If you fear taking on too many clients, then you have a problem.

Tip #1 — Put money it it’s place.

Deal with money matters up front, Preferably before the date of healing. This ensures clients come in with the proper frame of mind, you are a professional providing a service. And, it helps separate your arts from any hangups on money your client might have.

Victims of toxic people may not have autonomy in regards to how they spend their money. All receipts should be as generic as possible. Avoid any wording that might indicate your client is getting help to overcome their abuser, because if discovered this will likely end you sessions in a hurry. Accept cash if you can, as this may be the only option for some clients.

Encourage a commitment to receiving healing on the part of the client by offering discounts if they buy a number of sessions in advance. Or, if they are willing to start a sequence weekly or monthly sessions, that are auto changed to their credit card. Pretty much all payment processor such as PayPal and Stripe offer easy to use subscription features which make this possible and automated.

Tip #2 — Reach out to victims.

As I discussed before, most victims of narcissists probably don’t realize that they need your help, or would be benefited by your services. Find victims where they are, and reach out to them directly. Offer prospective clients a free service.

At the very least, free services are a good way to get your message out to new people, while getting more experience treating victims. Over time, you will develop more and more steady clients and referrals which will support your business in the long term.

Tip #3 — Have a wide variety of services you offer.

Providing more value to every client you serve means that you can level up your practice more quickly. This allows you to get more education, bring in other professionals to help you grow so you can focus on what you do best rather than logistical details, and magnify you can your outreach through increasingly sophisticated marketing.

Examples of value added services include —

Tip #4 Find new ways to market yourself.

Currently social media sites such as YouTube and Instagram video have huge potential for finding and attracting a huge audience. You don’t have to be a cinematographer or video expert to do well. Just honest, helpful videos shot on a cellphone with decent light and audio will attract you more clients than you know what to do with.

In the last year, one of my meager YouTube channels got over 50,000 views. Reaching a stadium of people for no money and very little effort. And, many people do much better than this, reaching 100,000s of people with a single video.

Targeted ads on Facebook and Google are another good options for in person practices. You can also attract clients for free by joining on Facebook forms, helping answer their questions first, and then offering free services to people in need. Or, you can even attend local groups and offer it to people one on one.

For creative professionals, modern marketing is easier and more effective than ever.

Tip #5 — Ensure you have a professional rapport with your clients.

When we take a client, even friends or family, we must make a clear delineation between ourselves as the individual, and ourselves as the healer.

As a healer, we are responsible for our clients well being. We don’t overstep our professional bounds. We are somebody that our clients can look up to and trust. In a way, we are assuming the role of a supportive parent for this short time that they are with use.

When you are the healer, be the healer. Look the part. Don’t complain or gossip. Be intent and focused on the good that you are there to do for the client. And, even if the unexpected happens, take everything in stride with an unshakable aura of confidence and competence. Surprise is something no one likes to hear from a professional working for them.

When working with victims, expect to be a therapist at times. When you work with them, they will feel the desire to vent and be supported. When this happens, listen with an open and non-judgmental heart. Empathize with them. And above all be non-judgmental of both them and their abuser, because otherwise you will easily fall in to a downward spiral of judgment that is not conducive to healing.

Instead of working to solve their problems, assist them in acknowledging where they are, without judgment, and invite them to take the next step up the emotional ladder. You are someone they respect, and eventually may love because of what you do for them. From this role, invite them to make you proud by caring for themselves. And, express your pride when for every little step they make.

As you work your healing arts, be very clear with your client about what you are doing, why you are doing it, and what benefits they will get when you do it. This helps clients realize the value they are getting and stay engaged with the work.

Get Help

With these five tips, your are well underway to building a profitable, professional practice serving a client base in much need of help. For more information, feel free to reach out to me directly. I offer individual coaching, business consulting services, and trainings to healers serving victims of toxic people.